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Printed On : 16-06-2024

50MM ENP Swiss Bar Upp/Body Multi Grip Olympic 12.6Kg  Malta | Barbells & Rods Malta | Sports Malta | Fitness Malta | Training Malta | Weightlifting Malta | Wellbeing Malta | Tip Top Sports Malta | Tip Top Malta 50MM ENP Swiss Bar Upp/Body Multi Grip Olympic 12.6Kg  Malta | Barbells & Rods Malta | Sports Malta | Fitness Malta | Training Malta | Weightlifting Malta | Wellbeing Malta | Tip Top Sports Malta | Tip Top Malta

50MM ENP Swiss Bar Upp/Body Multi Grip Olympic 12.6Kg

Item Code:  TT17155

PRICE:  €99.00


Product Details

The ENP Swiss Bar consists of a thick, rectangular bar with multiple neutral grip handles, allowing users to perform a variety of exercises with different hand positions. The neutral grip refers to a position where the palms face each other, which can be more comfortable for the shoulders and wrists compared to traditional straight bars.


Description of a Swiss bar:

Handle variations: A Swiss bar typically has two or more pairs of parallel handles. These handles are usually angled and set at different widths, providing various grip options.

Neutral grip: The neutral grip positions offered by the Swiss bar are beneficial for individuals with shoulder or wrist issues. They put less stress on the shoulder joint, making it a safer option for some lifters.

Durability: Swiss bars are usually made from sturdy materials like steel, ensuring they can handle heavy weights without bending or breaking.


Exercises and benefits of using a Swiss bar:


  • Bench Press: The Swiss bar bench press allows you to use a neutral grip, which can be beneficial for individuals with shoulder pain or limited mobility. It also engages the triceps and chest muscles effectively.


  • Overhead Press: Performing overhead presses with the Swiss bar puts less strain on the shoulders and provides a more stable grip, helping you develop strong shoulders and triceps.Rows: Swiss bar rows can target the upper back and lats while reducing stress on the wrists and shoulders compared to traditional barbell rows.


  • Bicep Curls: The Swiss bar's neutral grip allows for a more comfortable position during bicep curls, potentially reducing strain on the wrists and elbows.


  • Tricep Extensions: Performing tricep extensions with a Swiss bar can be easier on the elbows, providing a safer alternative for individuals with elbow issues.


  • Close Grip Press: This exercise focuses on the triceps and chest muscles and can be a good variation to standard bench pressing.


  • Push-ups: Using the Swiss bar for push-ups allows you to perform them with a neutral grip, which can be gentler on the wrists and shoulders.


  • Landmine Press: By inserting one end of the Swiss bar into a landmine station, you can perform unilateral shoulder presses, engaging your stabilizing muscles and improving shoulder strength and stability.


Incorporating a Swiss bar into your strength training routine can add variety, reduce strain on certain joints, and help you target muscles from different angles. It's a versatile tool that can benefit both novice and experienced lifters alike, and it's particularly helpful for those with shoulder or wrist discomfort. As with any new exercise equipment, it's essential to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form before gradually increasing the intensity.

Key Specs

7 FT
Max. Load:
272 Kg
Max. Load:
12.6 Kg