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Printed On : 20-09-2024

About Us

Customer Care  -  Terms & conditions

Making an agreement to purchase our goods:


- The market in the goods is such that the specification, description and price of individual goods can change.


- The invitation to you to order goods from us is not an offer by us to sell to you goods of the specification and description at the price indicated.


- Your order is an offer to us to buy the goods of the specification and description at the price indicated.


-  Wherever possible we will accept your order to buy the goods of the specification and description at the price indicated by e-mail and in which case there will be a concluded agreement between you and us.


-  Wherever it is not possible to accept your order to buy the goods of the specification and description at the price indicated we will advise you by e-mail and offer to sell you the goods of the specification and description at the price stated in the e-mail and will state the period for which the offer or the price remains valid.


-  You may accept our offer by e-mail within the period stated and in which case there will be a concluded agreement between us.


-  The language used in the contract to purchase our goods is English.


Delivery of the goods:


- Unless otherwise stated, the price of the goods does not include delivery by us to you.


- The costs of carriage and any insurance which you direct us to incur shall be reimbursed by you and shall be due on the date for payment of the price.


- The goods shall be delivered by us to your address and the risk in the goods shall pass to you upon such delivery taking place.


- You should note that our carrier requires immediate notice to be given of any loss or damage to goods and you should inspect the goods upon receipt and report any loss or damage to the carrier immediately.


- Insofar as you report any damage to goods to us within 48 hours of delivery we will refund the price and carriage or replace the goods at no cost to you.


- In respect of any damage to goods reported to us after 48 hours of delivery we shall require proof from you that the goods were damaged before receipt by you.


- If we are unable to do so, we reserve the right to deliver them within 30 days beginning with the day after the day of the agreement between us.


- If we are unable to deliver the goods to you within 30 days beginning with the day after the day of the agreement:

- we shall inform you by e-mail ;

- we shall make a further offer to you by e-mail to sell you the goods of the specification and description at the price stated in the e-mail and will state the period for which the offer or the price remains valid ;

- unless you accept the offer we will reimburse any sum paid by you or on your behalf under or in relation to the agreement within a period of 30 days beginning with the day after the day on which the time for delivery expired.


Your right of cancellation:


- The rights of cancellation set out below apply to any agreement between you and us save insofar as the agreement is in respect of computer software if it is unsealed by you.


- You have a right to cancel the agreement at any time before the expiry of a period of 15 days beginning with the day after the day on which you receive the goods.


- You may cancel by giving us notice in any of the following ways:


- by a notice in writing which you leave at our address (given above);

- by a notice in writing which you send by post to our address (given above);

- by facsimile to our business facsimile number (given above);

- by electronic mail to our electronic mail address (given above);

- and the notice shall operate to cancel the agreement between us.


Guarantees and after sales service:


- We guarantee that the goods will correspond with the stated description and specification.


- We guarantee that the goods will be of satisfactory quality when delivered by our carrier.


- We operate a voluntary code which appears below for the return of goods which have failed to meet your expectations.


- The terms of any manufacturer’s guarantee and after sales service will be included within the documents accompanying the goods.


- We are willing to provide advice to you in accordance with the conditions below. a) Conditions applicable:


- These conditions shall apply to all contracts for the sale of goods by us to you to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions including any terms or conditions which you may purport to apply under any purchase order confirmation of order or similar document.


- All orders for goods shall be deemed to be an offer by you to purchase goods pursuant to these conditions.


- Acceptance of delivery of the goods shall be deemed conclusive evidence of your acceptance of these conditions.


- Any variation to these Conditions (including any special terms and conditions agreed between you and us) shall be inapplicable unless agreed in writing by us.


- These terms represent the entire agreement between you and us.


 Price and payment:


- The price (unless otherwise expressly stated) shall be inclusive of value added tax which shall be due at the rate ruling on the date of our invoice.


-  You will pay cash on delivery, when you pay this means that you have checked the item and that the item has been delivered in good working condition.


Delivery and non-delivery of goods:


- The goods shall be delivered to you at your address. The risk in the goods shall pass to you upon such delivery taking place.


- We shall arrange for carriage of the goods to your address. The costs of carriage and any insurance which you reasonably direct us to incur shall be reimbursed by you without any set-off or other withholding whatever and shall be due on the date for payment of the price. Any third-party carrier shall be deemed to be your agent.


- We shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatever due to failure by us to deliver the goods or any of them promptly or at all.


- Not withstanding that we may have delayed or failed to deliver the goods or any of them promptly you shall be bound to accept delivery and to pay for the goods in full provided that delivery shall be tendered at any time within 3 months of the agreement.